Don’t let these sneak up on you! You may think you have a good idea of what it will cost to own a home. You’ve gotten pre-approved and budgeted for repairs and maintenance… but have you checked on property taxes? I promise you don’t want to get surprised by these guys.
Each year, you have to pay a tax on the assessed value of your home (which could be more or less than what the sale price), which can range anywhere from a few hundred dollars to thousands. But here’s the kicker: the percentage you’re taxed totally depends on where you live!
Most states have a property tax, and sometimes there’s a county or a city tax layered on top of the state tax. For example, **[give an example of property tax rates in your locale]**
Your buyer agent will be able to give you the low-down on all things property tax, so make sure you get their expert knowledge. And always ask if you have questions about property taxes on a particular home.
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